Inaction Is a Disease

In less than 2 weeks, I've learned about five people I know either very or pretty well, that are dealing with a battle with cancer, and a battle to live. Their ages...12, 27, 40, early-40's and 43. And, if you knew them, you'd understand that each one is a person that has the ability to change the world.

I know you're thinking "Well, that's Amy. She is in the 'world' of cancer.  That's not me. Cancer is rare, especially in kids." If you are thinking any of this, realize that cancer is not rare, and it kills more children than any other disease. No disease comes close! Cancer. It's about to take over heart disease as the #1 killer. 

I ask myself everyday - why isn't this changing? What's the fundamental, underlying reason why we aren't urgent about childhood cancer? How many videos do we have to see of kids battling this horrible disease to stand up for kids?

The change in the last 20 years is incremental. "Incremental" is my latest word to define disgust. 'Incremental' represents death. Extreme? Maybe. But, maybe not. If it's you, or your kid, than not.

I've come to realize that there is a fundamental disconnect with knowledge and action. This inaction is, in itself, a disease. A disease that kills.

My time is spent figuring out why. Why is this not getting the focus it needs when the data is so clear, and the stories are so upsetting? Kids are losing their future. What's going on?

Let's figure it out together. Join Us. @nomorekidswithcancer or