Seeking My Narrative

I'm going through a journey of finding out who I really am, and what I'm meant to do in my lifetime. I know many of you are too, so I thought I'd share some of my learnings so far during my journey. For decades, I've wondered what I was meant to do. When Naya became ill, I knew that I was chosen and meant to carry Naya through her life, and be strong and loving for her. My upbringing shaped and prepared me to carry her. I also know that I'm here to see that Zak thrives, survives the loss of his sister and becomes the man he was meant to be.

I believe that all of my life experiences are supposed to lead to something that helps others in a bigger way. I'm not sure what that something is yet, but I hope I see it early enough to do something about it. This month, I had the chance to meet and learn from so several inspiring individuals. Their points are helping me develop my eventual narrative, and I wanted to share them with you in case you get inspired:

-Dream big, really big -Always have a dream you are shooting for -One person can make a difference in the world. I can make a difference. You can make a difference. -A sports legend said to me after coming in second that "#2 is the first loser". True in sports, but it could be true in many places. Figure out when #1 matters, and make it happen. It's part of the dream big. -Your entire life is part of your narrative. In my case, my upbringing prepared me for the unimaginable loss of my lovely Naya, and also prepared me for being an advocate for children. In Monica Lewinsky's case, she's helping us understand the price of shame. What's your narrative? -Be compassionate -Have empathy -Have a daily dose or two of inspiration. Surround your day with inspiring people. It's a cycle...they inspire you, you inspire someone else, and it keeps going. I follow people who inspire me online, and they do the same. -Help all kids aspire to be greater. Give them opportunities to be inspired. -Every person has something to offer. Seek it out. I've learned so much from people just by tuning in, opening my mind and seeking their message. -Shedding stereotypes creates bigger possibilities for everyone.

My narrative, and yours, is the sum of all parts. Think about your life and journey. It's telling you something, and your story is in there somewhere.